Genesis 1

1:1 At first Eloheem created the skies and the earth.

1:2 And the earth was desolate and empty. And darkness was on the face of the abyss. And Eloheem’s wind brooded on the face of the waters.

1:3 And Eloheem said, “Light, exist!” And light existed.

1:4 And Eloheem saw that the light was good. And Eloheem divided between the light and between the darkness.

1:5 And Eloheem called the light day and He called the darkness night. It was evening. It was morning. Day one had passed.

1:6 And Eloheem said, “Expanse, exist! Sever the waters and exist as a division between waters from waters.”

1:7 And Eloheem made the expanse. And He divided between the water that was under the expanse and between the water that was over the expanse. And it happened like that.

1:8 And Eloheem called the expanse sky. Evening happened and morning happened. Day two had passed.

1:9 And Eloheem said, “Waters-below-the-sky, bind together towards a place! Unite and see the dry ground.”

1:10 And Eloheem called the dry ground, earth. And the collections of the waters He called seas. And Eloheem saw it as good.

1:11 And Eloheem said, “Earth, sprout! Sprout, be green, sow seed of a fruit tree making fruit species that sow on the earth.” And it happened like that.

1:12 “Earth, bring forth and sprout, be green, sow seed. Produce a tree from that makes fruit, that sows seed of the same species.” And Eloheem saw it as good.

1:13 And evening happened and morning happened. Day three had passed.

1:14 And Eloheem said, “Luminous-body in the expanse of the skies, exist! Exist as the separation between the day and between the night and be a signal for seasons, days, and years.”

1:15 And it happened, that the lights in the expanse of the skies shone over the earth. And it happened like that.

1:16 And Eloheem made the two great luminous bodies. The great light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars.

1:17 So in the expanse of the skies Eloheem gave lights over the earth…

1:18 …to rule in the day and in the night and to divide between the light and between the darkness. And Eloheem saw it as good.

1:19 And it was evening and it was morning day four had passed.

1:20 And Eloheem said, “Wriggle the waters you swarm-of-living-breathing-creatures. And birds, cover over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the skies.

1:21 And Eloheem created the great sea monsters and all the gliding living breathing creatures who wriggle the waters to portion out and all winged birds to portion out. And Eloheem saw it as good.

1:22 And Eloheem, He kneeled to say, “be fruitful and increase and fill the waters in the seas. And birds, increase in the earth.

1:23 And evening happened and morning happened. Day five had passed.

1:24 And Eloheem said, “Living breathing creatures of the earth, go out to portion out. Cattle and creeping animals and wild animals of the earth, multiply after your kind.” And it happened like that.

1:25 And Eloheem made the lives of the earth to portion out and the beasts of the earth to portion out and all the creeping things of the soil to portion out and Eloheem saw it as good.

1:26 And Eloheem said let us make human in our shadow resembling us to rule the fish, the sea, and the birds of the skies, and the beasts and the whole earth and all the creeping things that crawl on the earth.

1:27 And Eloheem created the human in His shadow. Eloheem created them in His shadow. He created them male and female.

1:28 And Eloheem knelt and Eloheem said “be fruitful and increase and fill the earth and conquer and rule the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and all the living crawling creatures on the earth.”

1:29 And Eloheem said, “Amazing! I give to all of you the whole seed-sowing-herb which is over the face of the whole earth and all the trees that sow seed for fruit trees to be food.

1:30 And all life of the earth and all the birds of the sky and all the crawling creatures of the earth that a soul lives all the green herb is for food and it happened like that.

1:31 And Eloheem saw all that He made and it was amazingly good. Speedily it was evening and it was morning day six had passed.
